Don't wait. Schedule your annual colonoscopy.

Colon Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Where to Get a Colonoscopy?


Rocky Mountain Gastroenterology Logo

Rocky Mountain Gastroenterology
Aurora Endoscopy Center
(a HealthOne facility)
14272 East Evans Avenue
Aurora, CO 80014

To schedule a colonoscopy or for questions, please call 303-205-1090 OR fill out the Request An Appointment form online

Guidelines for Screening

When is the Time Right for Colon Cancer Screening?

Learn more about colorectal cancer screening.

Did You Receive A Colon Cancer Diagnosis?

If you were diagnosed with colon cancer and would like to understand more about the types, stages, treatments, and who is on your cancer care team, we can help.

Call for a consultation.


What Our Patients Have to Say

What Our Patients Have to Say

44-Year-Old Mother of Three Diagnosed With Breast Cancer After Routine Mammogram

A lot of mothers will hear something familiar in Kimberly’s claim of being too busy “doing mom things” to stay on top of recommended cancer screenings. Find out how one 44-year old mom found out she had breast cancer and her journey to recovery.


One Woman’s Journey Through Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment

Take it from Jan: Early detection is key to a better breast cancer outcome. After treatment she became more open about her experience, particularly since early detection was key in having such a positive outcome.

Jan D.

Screening and Early Detection Saved the Lives of this Family 

Marva had opted for a 3D mammogram at her annual screening. It was a decision that saved her life. Because she stayed on a regular screening schedule and used the advanced imaging, her doctors discovered the tumor while it was very small. Her husband then received a testicular cancer diagnosis after paying attention to signs that he needed to see a doctor. Both were treated at Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers. 

Marva and Dan

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